
Shirring Elastic by weight

We are trade suppliers, to see prices, bulk discounts or to order please Go HERE.
List price:.

Sales unit = 400gm cone. 
Stock advice. Normally available on cone for immediate dispatch.
This item can also be supplied to order in cut lengths (Minimum 10Kg cut).

Product information below.
Our shirring elastic is sold by weight on cardboard cones(recyclable / biodegradable)of approx. 400g.  This item has an approximate yield of 4300m per Kg. Despatched weight tolerance is : +/- 7.5%.  This item is generally regarded as too lightweight for labels, tags and car air-fresheners etc. Go HERE or HERE or tag elastic. To order this item simply select the correct option and quantity in the fields above then click "ADD TO BASKET". Bulk order discount, if applicable, will be deducted automatically.

This item could be supplied to order in other shades (if available at the mill) and custom cut lengths(10Kg minimum cut).


If the option/quantity you require is not listed/available please email us with details of your requirements.

P.S. Have you visited our clearance/special offer pages HERE.   Be sure to check them every visit!