Sales unit = 100m
Stock advice: Normally available for immediate dispatch.
Do you need this item in bespoke cut lengths? Add cutting HERE.
Product information below
A quality assured* 20mm(3/4") Optical White 100% cotton twill tape. Supplied in units of 100m. Discounts start at just 500 metres. Please see above for bulk order discounts. To order this item simply select the correct option and quantity in the fields above then click "ADD TO BASKET". Bulk order discount, if applicable, will be deducted automatically.
Wrong size? See HERE for other width/colour options. For sampling quantity please see small order site HERE.
Biodegradable Yes. Compostable: Yes.
= Produced in the UK.
Are you seeking a smaller quantity? See HERE.
* Quality assurance standard: .ISO9001 2015 Produced under: OEKO-TEX 100.
Ecology (FISIKOS).
A 20mm(3/4") Optical White pure Cotton twill tape. Put-up on 100m rolls. This item could be supplied in cut-lengths. Minimums(item dependent, length/width/colour etc.) will apply. Please email-us with details for a quote.
Please see HERE for other options.
Please see above for bulk order discount bands or enter a "dummy order" onto the system for the quantity you require and then view the shopping basket where you will be advised the discounted price & carriage cost. You can then choose to quit, save to a wish list or proceed to the secure check-out. If the option/quantity you require is not listed/available please email-us with details of your requirements.
Roll diameter is approx 250mm with a weight of approx.500gms.
Commodity code: 52091200
Made in Great Britain