Sales unit = 250m reel.
Stock advice: Available for immediate dispatch from stock on reels.
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Product information below.
Article: IND 1's(P2) : Approx. size; 2.75mm
(approx)bleached white 100% pure cotton cord. This item is braided and quite firm. It is not twisted and soft, like the cheap products that have no substance. Supplied on reels of approximately 250m(larger reels = less reel changes, less down-time, less waste!). Discounts start at just 6 reels. Please see above for bulk order discounts.To order this item simply select the correct option and quantity in the fields above then click "ADD TO BASKET". Bulk order discount, if applicable, will be deducted automatically.
Seeking just a small quantity? Go HERE
Looking for a different size? Try HERE.
Biodegradable: Yes. Compostable: Yes.If you are looking for smaller quantity please go to HEREAKA: P2-101-250m, P2, Bar code 5038471001078, macrame cord, piping cord, upholstery piping,