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Stock advice: Normally available on reels for immediate dispatch from stock.
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Product information below:
Our qualty smooth braided 2mm
diameter (approx.) waxed* cotton cord is currently available from stock in Black** supplied on 500m or 100m reels(wound down to order from 500m reel). Discounts start at just 5 reels, see above. This item ties a very secure knot. it is perfect for high-end tags or labels, bracelets/necklaces, braiding and leather lacing etc. This finely braided waxed cotton cord is currently available from stock in Black** on reels of 500m or 100m "sample" reels(wound down to order). The 500m reel is approximately 165mm tall and 100mm in diameter. We do not yet carry a large stock(less than 20,000m off the shelf). If the quantity your requirement is large or urgent please contact us with details before you place your order.
*Other colours are available to forward order, minimums of approx. 20,000m with a lead-time of approximately 4 weeks from order would apply to colours. Please contact us with details of your requirement and we would be delighted to quote.
Looking for a 1mm option? Go HERE
** Whilst this item is generally referred to as "waxed" in the trade, it is actually coated with corn starch then highly polished to appear waxed. Please note: This item is approximatley 85% cotton and 15% polyester.
**This is a very strong cord. Please ensure you have a guaranteed "failure point" or "breakaway-clip" if using for jewellery or neckwear etc.
Certified: SD quality
This item could be supplied to order in pre-cut lengths. As it is a new product we do not yet carry a large stock. If the quantity you require is large or urgent please contact us with details before you place your order. *Other colours are available to forward order, minimums of approx. 20,000m will apply with a lead-time in the region of 4 weeks from order. Please contact us with details of your requirement and we would be delighted to quote.Biodegradable. Shamala, Blue Bird.
CofO: China